Characters designs and models.

Hello, I'm Kent and for this post I will go over some of the design on our characters and how they will fit into our game as well as some information on our hero himself, SuperKlutz. We decided on a style more in line with Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go, and Mega Man. Where the limbs and head portion are rather large compare to the body. While the main character would have a more detail look and design to their model. The NPC of the games design is more in line with GangBeast style where they would be simple 1 color aside from their outfit.

SuperKlutz: The story behind SuperKlutz here is that he is a villain that is out trying to do good while chasing after a friend who is caught up in a precarious situation after leaving SuperKlutz and his evil way. While going through our endless runner game, SuperKlutz have opportunities to use his old destructive power to help save those around him. Whether he can pull it off or not will be up to the player and how they apply his power to each situation.


The Burglar: Sole purpose is to steal from those around him and run away. He is also one of the opportunity mention earlier for SuperKlutz to use his power to stop him. We went with a classic design so that he is recognizable right away as the player is running through our game.

The Officer: He will be chasing down the Burglar. They will mainly been seen together a lot of the time. Again the design is suppose to be something recognizable at a glance so that the player know who they need to help.

The Mechanic: Though his design is rather plain and simple he would be mainly seen next to any of our vehicle models working on it. He would also be another opportunity for SuperKlutz to help out if the player can see him behind the vehicle he is working on.

In the end will SuperKlutz turn over his evil way to a life as a hero, will he be able to prove he has changed to his friend, or will someone else come stand between them?

Get SuperKlutz!

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