Cutscene Art

Hello! This week I am going to cover the art for the cutscenes.

Our team worked together to come up with a story for our super villain hero, Superklutz. As a team we collaborated and drew up ideas as well as storyboards.

Our storyboards were fun to make sense we had different ideas but, for visuals we all agreed to have the story be read like a comic book. We individually sketched out a page and shared our ideas for each scene. Our team would decide on the best visuals and soon we had our main idea come to life.

I proceeded to make rough sketches of the official pages, making sure they were understandable to the player. 

Soon enough, the pages were polished and colored. For color we decided to have red highlights to draw the players attention to Superklutz and his chase after his friend, Henry the Rock. We wanted to add in halftones to show more of the comic style.

Get SuperKlutz!

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