Characters designs update and UI Bar.

Hello this is Kent again this week with updates on character models and our new UI bar.


As you can see there will be a lot more NPC for the player to have the opportunity to save.  Each NPC will have 3 interaction base on what power the player use on them to "Save" them.  With each resulting either having a small or big impact on the players scores, or out right deducting points.  Player would need to keep their eyes out on these NPC while navigating through our level collecting coins and avoiding obstacle at the same time. 


To be able to push out multiple types of NPC, we had made a base body for the Male and Female NPC. From there the things that would set them apart would be their head accessories and textures. 


We did not have anything for our life bar and a progression bar before so this week we decided to create one to help break the floating head that we had before as our lives in the top left corner. We also added a progression bar so that there would be a visually indication to show if the player has earn enough points to progress to the next level or not. This progress bar would also give player a moment of reprieve before jumping into the next level 


SuperKlutz 15 MB
Jun 03, 2024

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